Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

21 months

Miss Aubrey hit the big 21 today! I can't believe she is almost two. When you ask her how old she is she'll tell you two. I guess she's jumping ahead! She's growing like a weed - she feels like she's put on some weight and she has definitely gotten taller. She can count to 10 but usually skips number 5. She knows her colors: red, blue, green, purple, orange, black and yellow. She can tell you the names of various animals and the noises they make: cows, dogs, cats, birds, frogs and sheep. She loves to sing her ABC's although there are a few letters missing in her song. She also loves to sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and The Wheels on the Bus (her current favorites). She knows lots of shapes (square, circle, heart, diamond and oval). She has a ton of words and loves to repeat words she hears. This little girl is one smart cookie!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Big brown eyes

Sunday at church we were talking with the Pastor's wife Sharon who is super sweet. She hadn't seen Aubrey in awhile so she was trying to engage her in a conversation. Aubrey was acting a bit shy and was just staring at Sharon as she spoke to her. Sharon started to compliment Aubrey's eyes telling her that that she had such pretty brown eyes. Sharon was going on and on about Aubrey's eyes and what was Aubrey's response? She stood there and batted her eyelashes at her! It was as if she was saying I know what you're saying and I am not going to talk to you but I'll let you know that I do know what you are saying. Such a silly girl!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ice Cream Cone

After dinner the other night we decided to have some ice cream. Aubrey usually only has a bite or two and is then done. I made Brian a cone and then figured Aubrey and I would share. She had other ideas. I gave her an empty cone and she proceeded to take mine and try and scoop ice cream from mine to hers. She spent a lot of time scooping and licking. We took a video and it is the cutest thing however still having some issues uploading them. I am a bit leery about putting them on You Tube. Hopefully we'll figure out another way soon. However in the meantime enjoy the pics!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pool time!

Today we went to Arrowhead Public Pool in Chandler. It was Family Swim from 11am-1pm and there was no charge so we figured we'd go check it out. I honestly thought we wouldn't be staying long since Aubrey doesn't seem to be a big fan of pools. They had a huge pool with a high diving board and then a regular spring board. There was also a kid area which had a water slide, a toddler slide, a lazy river and a zero depth entry pool. I figured Aubrey would be happy with the zero depth entry and she'd play there for awhile before getting the courage to venture into the pool and get her body all wet.

Well we started at the large pool where Jeremy and Brian spent most of their time going off the high board. Aubrey and I went into the pool to watch and it was chilly getting into the water. Surprise, surprise - she didn't make a peep about it! Usually she cries when the water is cold. We waded into my chin and we stayed there for quite a while! Aubrey loved people watching - she was super busy between the kids playing water basketball and everyone jumping from the diving boards.

After a bit we headed over to the kid area. We waded into the zero depth entry pool and Aubrey watched us doing that clearly letting us know she wanted no part of that! Jeremy picked her up and sat her down and she got upset. She jumped up and that was the end of that. Jeremy and Brian went down the water slide (think slide like at a water park!) but Aubrey was too small to go down with them. She and I waited in the water while they took turns. After the slide we traveled the lazy river and then headed back to the big pool.

The guys went on the diving boards again while we played in the water. Aubrey got tired after awhile so we got out and it was a bit chilly with the breeze (it was 99 out)! We went to stand in the sun and I got her all wrapped up. She asked for her maka so we went to one of the lounge chairs and she nursed for a few minutes. The guys finished up their dives and Aubrey got up to see them and started dancing to the music that was on the loudspeaker. She had us laughing! She stopped dancing as I started to take a video so both guys started to dance but she wouldn't join them. It was hilarious to watch them dance! Before we headed out we were able to grab these two photos. We think we may have found a great place to hang out this summer!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Time Out

Last week Miss Aubrey had her first time out at school. She wasn't listening to Mrs. Amy so she was placed in the time out chair. She sat there with her chin in the air looking all stubborn! Once time out was over Mrs. Amy tried to explain to Aubrey why this happened. She wasn't hearing any of it! She sat there not making any eye contact keeping her chin up in the air. She is soooo my child.

Within the past week I think she's been testing some boundaries. Her listening ears have come to a halt. She likes to look at us when we tell her "no" and then proceed on to whatever it was she wanted to do. Little monkey!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

We're growing...

Here are some ultrasound pics of our new little Bourque. We had an ultrasound at 12 weeks and the tech was able to do some 3D shots as well. That was always something we had wanted with Aubrey but we were never offered the choice. I am now going to a new practice, which uses a different ultrasound place, and apparently this place will do the 3D without even asking! Ok by me! These pics are really pretty cool because you can really make out what you are seeing. The baby is approximately the size of a lime (measuring in at about 2 inches). You'd never know that the baby is really only that big looking at these pictures!

There is also a picture of my belly at 13 weeks. There's a shadow behind it which makes it look a bit bigger than it really is. We compared the 13 week picture from Aubrey with this one and surprisingly it doesn't seem to be all that different. However, after a full day of food Brian and I would swear I look about 6 months pregnant! We'll post more belly pics each week and then more baby pics as we get those.