Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 8, 2010

First plane trip!

Overdue blog - I know! Aubrey hasn't been sleeping well lately so it's been hard to get to the blog when she wakes up only an hour after being put to bed. Hopefully we'll work this sleep thing out soon!
Aubrey had her first plane ride to Massachusetts and she was a rock star! I was nervous about being the people with the screaming child but I worried for nothing. We had a super early flight out of Phoenix so we woke about at 4:30 in order to get showered, pack the car and make the 8 am flight. Aubrey woke up when I got out of the shower and played while we were finishing things up. Although at that point it was about 4:45 so was super happy and content.
When we finally got on the plane Aubrey was starting to get a bit tired so she nursed and fell asleep before take off. She slept until after we landed in Chicago. I am sure the man sitting next to us was glad to share his row with a sleeping child! We got off the plane and found our new gate and had just enough time for a diaper change before needing to board. This time we had a row to ourselves so we took advantage of the middle seat and took some pictures of Aubrey and generally had some extra time to spread out all of our stuff! Aubrey was awake for take off and played for a bit. Not all that long after take off Aubrey needed a diaper change. The changing table was up at the front of the plane so she and I made the trek up there and got her all cleaned up. We made our way back to our seats and after about 5 minutes Aubrey needed a new diaper. So we went up, got her all set and made our way back to our sets. About 7 minutes later it was time for yet another diaper. We had dropped her wipes on the first plane and didn't realize until we were in the terminal. It was a good thing we had bought some more at one of the stores - otherwise we would have been in deep do-do!
After the third diaper Aubrey was all set! We went back to play and she decided she was ready for another nap. This one lasted until after we landed in Boston. She was an amazing flyer!


  1. Yeah! So glad to hear you were a rockstar Miss A! We must play together soon!

  2. Guests are barred until the nuclear disaster site known as our house it clean...LOL! Just kidding...come over whenever, or we can come over there...maybe we should do dinner some time soon at one of the houses?
