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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Big Kid Room

It's happened...Aubrey got moved to the Crawler Room at school. Boo! They stretched the time they could keep her in the Infant room for as long as possible. I know the switch should be a good thing for her. She is back together with all her friends and everyone in her new room is crawling. The toys are bigger and more developmentally appropriate. The bad parts are that there is a structured schedule. Naptime is from 12-2 in the crib. Aubrey doesn't nap at noon, will not nap for more than 30 minutes in the crib and nurses at 12:30 when I go in for lunch. I really like 2 of the teachers but have been trying to warm up to the other one who is tasky - diapers, room clean up, etc. Where is the love for the kiddos?

She is only going 2 days a week for now because I have had a switch in my work schedule for the first few weeks of students being back. I am working 4 10-hour days so I get to be with her for 3 days a week! Hopefully she will be ok making the transition between home and school only 2 days a week. Monday and Tuesday were rough days at home after school. She did great at school but only napped once for 30 minutes. This made for an overtired, overstimulated Aubrey who was unhappy at home! Hopefully she'll get into the swing of things there soon.

She has to wear shoes in the new room. She has tiny feet - she is wearing shoes that are meant for 6 month olds. I had bought her these cute little pink slipper shoes awhile back thinking they would fit when she moved. Nope! they are huge. Here she is on her first day of the Crawler room with boats on her feet!

1 comment:

  1. Katie had real tiny feet too for the longest time- actually she still does- most 1 yr olds wear size 5 and Katie fits into them now!

    Hopefuly Aubrey will transition well... cranky babies at home aren't fun :(
