Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 30, 2010

Daddy time!

Aubrey loves her shoulder rides! She had lots of Daddy time the past few days. Saturday and Sunday she and Brian hung out while I worked all day. They went to the mall, played at home and came to visit me at work. Today they spent the afternoon together. She was out of school because she still had the red rash. Aubrey and Brian went to the doctor and the diagnosis came back as rosiella. She is not contagious anymore though so she is off to school tomorrow.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

11 Months!

Aubrey is officially 11 months old today! And she celebrated the day covered in a rash from head to toe. She spiked a fever of 102.5 late yesterday afternoon and she woke up today with red dots all over her face, legs, arms, trunk and back. The fever is gone and she doesn't seem uncomfortable so hopefully these spots dissapear soon.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bubbles and Pigtails...

Baby Mullett....that's what someone at her school said when she went in with pigtails. I thought about it and sadly it's true - it's short on top and long on the sides and in back. Soon it will be long enough so that you can see that the pigtails are in whether you look at her from the front or the back.
And on another note - she loves bubbles. She was running a temp tonight of 102.5 so she was fussy and not super interested in dinner. We broke out the bubbles and got some smiles :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Party Time

Bedtime is 8:00 pm Explain to me why it is 9:30 and this little one is still awake?!?!? After laying with her, sitting with her and trying everything to try and get her to go to sleep I finally resorted to the swing. You can see that she was trying to fight it even then. She kept shaking her head to keep herself awake. Maybe someday she will decide that she wants to sleep!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How Tall am I?

Brian was making a curtain for the little window next to our front door. Osito constantly looks out the window and barks and we had enough of that so we decided to cover it up. As Brian was busy cutting, measuring and sewing both Aubrey and Osito were walking and/or crawling all of the material. Aubrey then got her hands on the tape measure and she loved it. She looks like she is trying to figure out how to measure herself. We need to get her some toys with the some laces and ribbons. She loves to play with those things!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Creeping and Cruising

So Aubrey has started to creep which now as the week has gone on has turned in to full out cruising. She'll walk around the coffee table or the couch and then will stand there forever wondering how to get down! Early this week it meant she would just stand until she was rescued. Then she started to do squats but she always ended up back in the standing position. As we got closer to Friday she got more and more confident. Here is a little peek into Aubrey trying to move to the floor. Check out her surprised face!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Big Kid Room

It's happened...Aubrey got moved to the Crawler Room at school. Boo! They stretched the time they could keep her in the Infant room for as long as possible. I know the switch should be a good thing for her. She is back together with all her friends and everyone in her new room is crawling. The toys are bigger and more developmentally appropriate. The bad parts are that there is a structured schedule. Naptime is from 12-2 in the crib. Aubrey doesn't nap at noon, will not nap for more than 30 minutes in the crib and nurses at 12:30 when I go in for lunch. I really like 2 of the teachers but have been trying to warm up to the other one who is tasky - diapers, room clean up, etc. Where is the love for the kiddos?

She is only going 2 days a week for now because I have had a switch in my work schedule for the first few weeks of students being back. I am working 4 10-hour days so I get to be with her for 3 days a week! Hopefully she will be ok making the transition between home and school only 2 days a week. Monday and Tuesday were rough days at home after school. She did great at school but only napped once for 30 minutes. This made for an overtired, overstimulated Aubrey who was unhappy at home! Hopefully she'll get into the swing of things there soon.

She has to wear shoes in the new room. She has tiny feet - she is wearing shoes that are meant for 6 month olds. I had bought her these cute little pink slipper shoes awhile back thinking they would fit when she moved. Nope! they are huge. Here she is on her first day of the Crawler room with boats on her feet!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Round 2

Aubrey had another chance to play in the grass. This time she actually moved around! She was still a bit unsure of this whole thing as you can see from the first picture but she warmed up to the idea pretty quickly. Here she is picking a flower, or weed, if you look at it like that. As the week went on she got more time to play in the grass. At one point I went outside to watch her watch Brian and Jeremy play wiffle ball and she had grass hanging out of her mouth. Yummy!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

First plane trip!

Overdue blog - I know! Aubrey hasn't been sleeping well lately so it's been hard to get to the blog when she wakes up only an hour after being put to bed. Hopefully we'll work this sleep thing out soon!
Aubrey had her first plane ride to Massachusetts and she was a rock star! I was nervous about being the people with the screaming child but I worried for nothing. We had a super early flight out of Phoenix so we woke about at 4:30 in order to get showered, pack the car and make the 8 am flight. Aubrey woke up when I got out of the shower and played while we were finishing things up. Although at that point it was about 4:45 so was super happy and content.
When we finally got on the plane Aubrey was starting to get a bit tired so she nursed and fell asleep before take off. She slept until after we landed in Chicago. I am sure the man sitting next to us was glad to share his row with a sleeping child! We got off the plane and found our new gate and had just enough time for a diaper change before needing to board. This time we had a row to ourselves so we took advantage of the middle seat and took some pictures of Aubrey and generally had some extra time to spread out all of our stuff! Aubrey was awake for take off and played for a bit. Not all that long after take off Aubrey needed a diaper change. The changing table was up at the front of the plane so she and I made the trek up there and got her all cleaned up. We made our way back to our seats and after about 5 minutes Aubrey needed a new diaper. So we went up, got her all set and made our way back to our sets. About 7 minutes later it was time for yet another diaper. We had dropped her wipes on the first plane and didn't realize until we were in the terminal. It was a good thing we had bought some more at one of the stores - otherwise we would have been in deep do-do!
After the third diaper Aubrey was all set! We went back to play and she decided she was ready for another nap. This one lasted until after we landed in Boston. She was an amazing flyer!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Concert

Lots and lots to blog about! We have had a busy few weeks. July 16-18 we took a drive to Payson for a bowling tournament. The drive was about 2 hours and Aubrey was wonderful in the car. We scoped out the town for a restaurant for dinner and ended up at Tiny's Family Restaurant. So gross! Aubrey sampled some peas with mint as well as some of her puffs. She did ok with the peas but Brian and I both were less than impressed.

Aubrey crawled all over the hotel room. Her little piggies got very black so she had her first bath in the tub. Up until now she had been in her little pink baby tub. She was a little hesitant about the tub but overall she did ok.

We had a king size bed in the room...heaven! Aubrey would not sleep in her Pack and Play at all so she was in bed with us both nights. There was plenty of room and it was the best that I have slept since before Aubrey was born.

Saturday night we joined Don and Laurie, our bowling partners, for a concert in the park. The female singer and the band sang a variety of different songs from different genres. Aubrey loved hanging out listening to the music and people watching. She got to crawl in the grass for the first time. She was not a fan! She just froze and wouldn't move! We were there at 8 pm which is bed time so Aubrey just passed out and slept through the rest of the concert. She seems to sleep better at night with lots of noise - concerts, bowling, etc. The minute Brian walks into the bedroom and whispers she stirs and wakes up. Go figure!