Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lots to share...

Wow - I am awful with this! Life has been busy with the move and work. My day begins usually between 4-5 am with a little breakfast snack for Aubrey. She starts moving around and fussing and is basically trying to wake up so I pull her out of bed and she comes to bed with us to eat. This way both of us get a little more sleep because she passes out while eating. The alarm then goes off at 5:45 and it's a mad dash to the shower and then wizzing through the morning routine of getting dressed, bags packed, waking Aubrey around 6:35, getting her dressed, fed and then out the door to school by 7:15. Brian half snoozes through all of this and is up between 7 and 7:15. Aubrey gets dropped at school around 7:50 and I head to work for what is probably going to be a crazy day! I used to work through lunch but now I head to school to feed Aubrey who usually falls asleep within 5 minutes! Guess that means she's comfortable! I try to jostle her a bit to at least get some milk into her but really I know that she is hardly getting any because she is just snoozing away! After lunch I head back to work and count down the hours until I get to go back to get Aubrey. Once the work day is done I head back down to school to pick her up and we head home. Once we get home it's dinner time for Aubrey so she eats while Brian cooks our dinner. After everyone is fed there is a little bit of playtime, a bath and then it's bedtime for Aubrey which is kicked off with an 8:00 snack so she goes down with a full belly. Lately I have been dozing during this feed (I feel so old!). She typically is put in bed around 8:45 which then leaves a little bit of time to get some work stuff done that didn't get done earlier in the day, get clothes and snacks ready for the next day and then head to bed all hopefully before 10:30. So yes I stink at keeping up on the blog....I'm sorry!

Last weekend our friends Josh and Dana came to visit from MA. We hadn't seen them in a few years so it was great to catch up and we loved having them play with Aubrey! Once they headed to the airport Aubrey and I had a playdate with our friends Elisa and Thalia. It was so funny to see the girls trying to play together (or really just grab at the same toy!). Sunday we met Grandpa Tom at the house in Laveen and got all of the final things out and did a final clean of the place.

This past Wednesday we had more visitors. Uncle Jeremy's girlfriend Eunice flew in for a job interview and Uncle Jeremy flew in to meet her on Thursday. Aubrey had a good time with Jeremy. He loved playing with her.

Last weekend Aubrey started to get a runny nose. By Monday she was super congested and snoogery. A mom from school called me Monday morning to say that her daughter has RSV and that there was 1 other case that had been confirmed at school. I freaked out and called the doctor and took her in. The doc said all looked good then and it was presenting as a common cold but to keep our eyes out for any worsening symptoms. See the link for more info about RSV: http://www.webmd.com/lung/tc/respiratory-syncytial-virus-rsv-infection-topic-overview. So far so good. She is still stuffy and snoogy but she's hanging in like a trooper! She has been sleeping in her swing this week so that she can be sitting up which helps with the congestion.

She has found a new toy....her feet! The feet haven't found her mouth yet but I am sure that will come very soon!
We are off to a Super Bowl party today and we need to get some things done around the house before we leave so I am signing off...


  1. Yeah for feet!!! Rolling won't be far! Feet in the air totally starts that momentum!!

  2. She rolls to the side while holding her feet...just can't get all the way over quite yet.
