Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Daddy Day Care

Monday Brian had the day off so he and Miss A spent the day together. This outfit was the third one she had on before noontime! She had some tummy trouble which is my fault! Last week I went to Starbucks and ordered my usual (Apple Chai Tea) but they gave me the wrong drink. It was gross but I figured I would finish it since I had paid for it. I thought it was black tea and got halfway through it, took the cover off and then discovered there was milk in it. BUMMER! She was fussy the next few days and Brian found out the hard way what our days were like until we started working milk out of the diet. She screamed and screamed in the morning for him as well as in the car the whole way from Laveen to Gilbert (which is no short trip). Poor baby! I now know that I better check all drinks from Starbucks before consuming.
I was very proud of Brian and Aubrey for hangin' in together all day! That was their first day alone and they both survived :)


  1. Wooo hoo! I'm glad to hear it went well!

  2. Of course we survived...she is not even two feet tall! I can take her!

  3. It's so hard to believe that even that little bit of milk affects her so badly!! What an adorable picture, though. Except for eye color, she and Jayden could pass for twins!!!!
