Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, November 25, 2011

Last weekend getaway as a family of 3

We've been trying to do a ton of fun things with Aubs before our world totally changes with the upcoming baby. We decided to go away to Prescott for the weekend during the last weekend in October. We got to head into town for Harvest Festival. At that point we still didn't have a full Halloween costume for Aubrey so she wore her Old Navy Halloween shirt and tried to be festive! At the festival she got to play all sorts of games for prizes (mainly candy) which she thought was great! She even got her face painted with a butterfly, sparkles and a special jewel. We weren't sure if she'd let the woman paint her face but she was excited about it and sat super still.

After leaving the Harvest Festival we checked into the hotel and went swimming. Brian made sure there was an indoor pool at the hotel. That was one thing we needed to make sure we had for Miss Aubrey since she loved swimming so much this summer. The pool had a play elephant in it that sprayed water from his trunk. Aubrey thought it was pretty cool to look at but it took her awhile to warm up to the idea of being under the falling water. They also had a small kiddie pool which was basically the size of a jacuzzi. It went from 1' to 1.5' deep and we spent most of our time there. Aubrey had a blast walking around the pool and swimming with Brian in the big pool. We had a ton of fun watching her laugh and giggle! It was a great little vacation get away for the three of us!

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