Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Plymouth Trip

On Thursday we headed down to Plymouth to see the other half of Aubrey's family. Nana and Papa had invited some people over so we got to visit with Nana Donna, Nichole, Kenzie, Emilie, Amanda, Jayden, Debbie, Fumie, Jen, Kyle, Kora and Abby. Aubrey had a blast. Nana had set up the stair landing with some toys and books because she knew that was Aubrey's favorite place to hang during our last visit. Kenzie and Aubrey sat there for awhile reading books and playing with the toys.

Kora had brought her bike to the house. We all got to go outside and see 3 yr old Kora riding a two wheeler! Aubrey was pretty intrigued with the bike. She also really liked the little ride on car that Abby had next door for her grandson. After much hemming and hawing she got on and sat there but wouldn't let anyone push her. Eventually most of the kids went inside so she got a bit brave and let me push her a few feet up the street.

After her ride we went in for dinner, dessert and presents! Nana and Papa had brought a few gifts for all of the kiddos. Between their bags, Nana Donna's bags and Abby's bag Aubrey made out with a whole new wardrobe! She got shorts, shirts, dresses, pajamas and a purse. You can see her inspecting the purse in one of the pictures above. She also got a few different books which we read that night and were great entertainment on the plane. Right before everyone left we were able to grab a picture of all of the great grandchildren, minus Jillian.

The next morning after breakfast we headed to Plymouth Harbor with Nana. On the drive over there we saw cow and horses and Aubs was pretty excited! Once we got to the Harbor she had fun dipping her feet in the water and throwing rocks in there as well. We'll definitely need to head back to the Harbor during our next visit.


  1. NIIIIIIIICE!!!!!!! Too bad I didn't make the cut though!!

  2. We didn't have any pictures of you and Aubrey which is why there are none posted. We failed at picture taking!
