Every day is a gift...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Potty Training Take 2 - January 2012

This is a way outdated post - should have gone up in January. Life has been full of craziness and not enough minutes in the day so blogging has not gotten done for quite some time. I have a lot to catch up on.

We decided to tackle potty training again. Aubrey was going to be moving to her new classroom on January 9 and her best friend Natalie had just started the process so we thought we'd give it another go. Well - this time she was ready! We started it with the New Year's Holiday because Brian had a few days off and we figured with both adults home one of us could be ready to drop everything and run to the bathroom whenever nature called. Miss Aubrey ran with it and did a FANTASTIC job! 

We learned that she is crazy for gummy bears. Each time she peed she scored a gummy bear. She learned pretty quickly that if she peed and then held the rest for a later trip she'd get another gummy. She played the system but it worked! It took a few days to get the whole concept of pooping but she mastered that too and now is only in diapers at night! Go Aubrey!

Friday, May 4, 2012

We've Gone Green

This is a very outdated post but an important one non the less. When I was attending the nursing support group with Aubrey a few of the moms had decided to cloth diaper. They went on and on about it and were super excited to show off the cloth. I never really got on that train but thinking about having 2 in diapers got me thinking that maybe we needed to explore cloth.

I obsessed and did a ton of research. Financially cloth seemed the way to go. It would be less expensive and it's better for the environment. Many days were spent on Craigslist and I finally found someone who was selling brand new cloth diapers. We met up with the woman around New Year's and bought two brands of diapers in all sorts of colors.

They needed to be washed before wearing with special detergent. We looked and looked for detergent and finally found some at Whole Foods. It was finally time to get these things washed and worn. In the meantime of all of this hunting for detergent Miss Aubrey decided to potty train (more in a future blog). That left little Miss Ciara to try the cloth herself. I had a picture but we are having issues with our memory card and we lost pictures on one of them. Instead you get a cute picture of the girls and a picture of what some of the diapers look like.